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(replacing pagan date names with !a! style dates in linux)
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so that one way to begin to obey the command of scripture as it relates to scripture is to follow the steps listed below:
so that one way to begin to obey the command of scripture as it relates to scripture is to follow the steps listed below:
1.1  download en_IAI
1.1  download [[Media:en_IAI]]
1.2  get to a terminal in a user account that has admin privilages.
1.2  get to a terminal in a user account that has admin privilages.

Revision as of 2014-02-03T21:03:29

replacing pagan date names with !a! style dates in linux

first as a summary the importance of accomplishing this on your computer system must be understood. it can be quickly verified in many dictionaries and encyclopedias that almost the entirety of the names for days and months in the english language are all based off of the worship of pagan dieties. as a quick list: sunday refers to sun worship, monday refers to moon worship, tuesday refers to worship of tiu, wednesday refers to worship of woden, thursday refers to worship of thor, friday refers to worship of freya, and saturday refers to worship of saturn in as far as the names of the days of the week. one good reference to this historical fact would be this wikipedia article, [1].

likewise the first eight months of the year have equal pagan origin. january refers to the worship of janus, the roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings, and endings. february refers to the worship of februus, the etruscan god of death. march refers to the worship of mars, the roman god of war. april refers to the worship of aphrodite, the greek equivalent to the roman goddess names venus. likewise, may refers to worship of mai, another roman fertility goddess. june refers to the worship of june, the roman goddess who is the wife of jupiter. july refers to the worship of the human emporer, julius caesar. likewise, auguster refers to the the worship of the human emporer, agustus. finally the four months of the secular year are properly named as september meaning seventh month, october meaning eighth month, november meaning ninth month, and lastly december as meaning tenth month. again wikipedia provides an excellent article for confirming this historical fact, [2].

in order to continue with this proper naming convention that is used by the last four months of the secular year, a similar convention has been adopted by myself. these names were obtained by using google translate in order to determine the latin words for first, second, third, and so on. the names and their abreviations that were developed follow in the table below:

first secular month undecimber und second secular month duodecimber duod third secular month unusber unu fourth secular month duober duo fifth seuclar month tresber tre sixth seuclar month quattuorber qua seventh seuclar month quinber qui eighth seuclar month sexber sex ninth secular month september sep tenth secular month october oct eleventh secular month november nov twelth secular month december dec

the importance of avoiding the pagan names for times and seaons can be summed up by the following psalm:

psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another elohim: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips. .

so that one way to begin to obey the command of scripture as it relates to scripture is to follow the steps listed below:

1.1 download Media:en_IAI

1.2 get to a terminal in a user account that has admin privilages.

1.3 type gksudo pcmanfm &

1.3.1 enter in your admin password

1.4 use pcmanfm to copy en_IAI to /usr/share/i18n/locales

1.5 in the terminal type sudo localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_IAI en_IAI.UTF-8

1.5.1 if necessary enter your admin password again.

1.6 in the terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/environment &

1.6.1 if necessary enter your admin password again.

1.7 modify the line with LC_TIME to read as LC_TIME="en_IAI.UTF-8" or if necessary simply affix the line to the end of the file.

1.7.1 save file.

note: firstly if you prefer another file management program to pcmanfm then simply replace the word pcmanfm with your prefered file manager program such as nautilus or nemo. in the future !a! will have its own filemanagement program based on the source code for pcmanfm. pcmanfm was chosen because of its speed and power.

for more advanced users who would rather develop their own means of repenting from the sin of calling on the names of pagan gods for time keeping then please consider this article from the chris collins site. [3]