!a! screen lock

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adapted from slock-0.9 simple lock by Anselm R Garbe which was recently discoveres, simple lock wandering text, was developed to eliminate the use of the xscreensaver system since xscreensaver is way too large for the simple task that it accomplishes of protecting the monitor and providing basic security if one steps away from the computer. additionally xscreensaver forces us through comments in logo.c to endure a logo that is offensive to many and annoying to others.

slockwt, simple lock wandering text, hopes to build upon the excellent example of slock by adding a simple text message of the users choice to be displayed at wandering locations. this simple modification will not add much baggage to the screen locker but will allow younger or less experienced users to understand that the computer is still operational while it is locked. additionally it gives a user that custom feel of a screen saver without bogging down the system resources.

if any are more interested in the original version of slock the link for that project is included in our honorable mention section.

Media:slockwt.tar.gz this is the link the source code archive for installing your own version of slockwt.