Ubuntu 12.10 idol-less greeting

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making ubuntu 12.10 to have idol-less login icons

whether or not there is anything wrong with the traditional ubuntuu logo may depend on the interpretation by each individual. in my understanding of things it appears too much to me to appear as human recycling in the form of attempted third world genocide. this of course goes against the statements from ubuntu about the wheel of equality. of coursee Yahushua would have all to be humble and to share and those attributes are definitely the attributes of the open source community as they also should be for the Bride of Mashiach. for myself the seven equally lit candles of the seven branched menorah expresses the same kind of humility and sharing. likewise the other graphics are being replaced by myself because they seem to too closely represent the eye of ra by their circular appearance.

to begin it is important to realize that all of the icons for the login sceen appear in the same convienent folder /usr/share/unity-greeter. on my system there were nine files that were replaced. on your system some of them may not appear if you do not have any other display managers or desktop managers loaded other than the ubuntu 12.10 default.

  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/a11y.svg A11y.svg a 16px x 16px svg file. most convienently edited with the inkscape graphics editor.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/cof.png Cof.png a 66px x 66px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/gnome_badge.png Gnome badge.png a 26px x 26px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/kde_badge.png Kde badge.png a 26px x 26px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/ubuntu_badge.png Ubuntu badge.png a 26px x 26px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/unknown_badge.png Unknown badge.png a 26px x 26px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png Alogo.png a 245px x 43px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/recovery_console_badge.png Recovery console badge.png a 22px x 22px png file.
  • /usr/share/unity-greeter/remote_login_help.png Remote login help.png a 22px x 22px png file.

more detailed instructions to follow coming soon.