Going on a !a! date with moodle

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in moodle you can change it like this... in the file called.. /lib/moodlelib.php.. find the userdate function... right before the return $datestring command.. insert the following code.. it is that simple.. you cannot change it by changing language strings because it ignores those and takes the names of the month straight out of php... so instead replace the names using str_replace....

$datestring = str_replace('January', 'Undecimber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('February', 'Duodecimber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('March', 'Unusber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('April', 'Duober', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('May', 'Tresber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('June', 'Quattuorber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('July', 'Quinber', $datestring); $datestring = str_replace('August', 'Sexber', $datestring);

changing the names of the days of the week in moodle requires no special coding. it only requires that you adjust the language settings when logged into your moodle system as administrator.