Ubuntu idol-less rising with menorah animation
From !a! (יאי) - idol-less and idle-less
Ubuntu idol-less rising with menorah animation
it was previously promised in the ubuntu 12.10 idol-less rising section to provide menorah boot animation. the iai-menorah plymouth boot animation is here!
before following these instructions to set up your !a! menorah plymouth boot animation be sure that you are in a user account with administrator privileges.
- 1. download the iai-menorah.zip file File:Iai-menorah.zip
- 2. press ctrl-alt-t or start up a terminal by other means and be sure to change directories to the directory where the zip has been downloaded by type cd followed by the directory path. this will typically be cd:
- 3. if the downloaded file is named Iai-menorah.zip the type:
mv Iai-menorah.zip iai-menorah.zip
- 4. type:
gksudo xarchiver iai-menorah.zip
or if you prefer:
sudo xarchiver iai-menorah.zip
when prompted enter your administrator password.
- 5. exctract the iai-menorah directory with all of its contents included to /lib/plymouth/themes. be sure that the box is checked to extract all files and that the box labelled as "extract to" has /lib/plymouth/themes typed inside of it.
- 6. type:
sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/iai-menorah/iai-menorah.plymouth 200
when prompted enter your administrator password.
- 7. type:
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
and chose the number of the option that reads /lib/plymouth/themes/iai-menorah/iai-menorah.plymouth. when prompted enter your administrator password.
at this point you may reboot your computer and enjoy your new plymouth boot animation.